Facing homelessness is one of life’s most difficult challenges
"Where will my family sleep tonight? Will we survive the rain and cold? Can our children endure this tremendous loss and what imprint will it make on them? How will we keep our few belongings together? How can I work if I cannot bathe and have clean clothes? Does anyone care?"
In the midst of such an overwhelming crisis, your neighbors in need are looking for a safe, welcoming space to call home. They want a well-trained, compassionate staff to help guide the way.
And they need peace, safety. Less fear, more hope.
To designate a financial donation to Build Hope a Home, click here and enter "Build Hope a Home" in the "Comments" section.
For more information or to tour our current facility, please call Howard Cox at 770-366-6629.
Download our vision brochure by clicking here.
Construction Updates
How to make it happen
We MUST come together to help those in desperate situations and looking for hope. We need support from individuals, faith-based organizations, companies, civic groups, foundations and neighborhoods. Every dollar counts and every sacrifice to give is meaningful.
When a community comes together to raise a projected $14 million for a new shelter and poverty services campus, thousands will benefit for years to come. More of our neighbors in need will be served. More will find jobs. More will move to stable housing. More will have a better future.
Big dream. Big goal. Big results!
Give today!
For more information or to tour our current facility, please call Howard Cox at 770-366-6629.
Download our vision brochure by clicking here.