An Intern-™s Perspective By Andrea Paiva All it takes is a life altering moment of fully witnessing the depth of despair in your own hometown to change the way you view life and its basic necessities. I still remember that heart-wrenching moment on my first MUST Ministries Summer Lunch ride when I saw children rushing out of their apartments to get their lunch bags. I couldn-™t remember a time when I ever had to worry about whether or not I was going to eat that night, so this was a huge eye opener. It was this day when my perspective on homelessness and poverty was greatly challenged. I would have never guessed that down the road from my home, there are children who are not promised a meal everyday and that children make up a large percentage of homelessness in the U.S. I never really gave much thought to the idea that a mother would rather take her kids and flee an abusive relationship, with no guarantee of a place to sleep, then to allow her kids to witness the abuse on a daily basis. Every situation is different and every person that receives help from MUST has a unique and personal story to tell. The MUST family, made up volunteers, staff and those who give to the organization, believe in each individual that receives care at MUST. They come to work eager to hear the stories of transformation and driven to play a roll in those stories. This kind of encouragement is transferred into the office, where work isn-™t just work, it-™s a mission field. This summer, I worked alongside Kaye Cagle, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, and the development team. I got to see how people celebrated each other in their accomplishments and I too was celebrated when I got my first Hispanic Media placement. I was privileged to sit in on Monday afternoon meetings with the development team as they initiated each meeting with prayer. It was refreshing to be in a work environment where, even during a hectic day, you are encouraged through prayer and reminded that He is in control. After this summer at MUST, I have a better understanding of homelessness and poverty and how prominent it can be, even in areas closest to where you live. I am a much more grateful person, thanks to this experience. I know that my seemingly large troubles truly do not compare to those of others and it has helped fuel my passion to help those in need. Philippians 2:4 says, -�Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.-� I think it-™s so easy to get caught up in ourselves. However, I-™ve found that joy comes abundantly when I think of my life less and invest into the lives of others. Ultimately, this is the heart of MUST Ministries. It is a family of people from all walks of lives, who see the vast need in their community and have made a decision to dedicate their time, resources, skills and money to see an end to homelessness and poverty and to see lives transformed. This truly was a rewarding experience and I am eager to continue being part of this wonderful organization in the years to come.